Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Just running along...

Well this past week I jumped right back into training. It was overall pretty great. The long run on the weekend was a bit of a struggle. My long run the previous week was 9 miles and I jumped to 14 this week. Not only that but I misjudged the hills. And... well. It didn't go as well as I had hoped but I'm not going to speak negatively about it because I got it done. I haven't run since then (4 days argh!) because Atlanta got hit with ANOTHER winter storm and we are covered head to toe with ice. Hoping tomorrow with some warmer temps that I'll be able to at least get to the gym to hop on the deathmill. 

I got a really fancy set of resistance bands in the mail that I ordered from Amazon. I can honestly say that I love them and have no plans on ever lifting weights again. I "felt the burn" much quicker and was able to move from move to move without having to adjust a weight machine etc. I'll let you know how sore I am tomorrow. Thinking that on my "rest days" from running I'll be bringing my resistance bands to the gym and doing a full workout with those followed by swimming. 

Quickly approaching the Publix Half Marathon in March! This should be a VERY simple race at that point in my training. I have to make sure to NOT push during this race - too close to marathon time! Don't want another injury. 

Been feeling less than great about my progress. Really trying to get out of this slump. I'm not sure why I thought training for a spring marathon was an awesome idea... I've been looking for a fall marathon to train for so I can do a better job. Bring on the heat! 

Until tomorrow, folks...

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