Speaking of discouragement, today's long run was extremely lack luster. Truth be told, I simply didn't prepare well. I didn't hydrate well last night or this morning. I didn't eat well last night and I didn't have nearly enough calories this morning before heading out. The only great part was really the weather. It. Was. Gorgeous. This past week we had below 0 temps and today it was in the mid 50's! Hellllooo short sleeves! Oh let's throw in some capris that apparently aren't sweat whicking and equal that to some wicked chaffing. ARGH! Lesson learned. I'll be off to Marshalls soon to get some capris. But, we're heading back into the 20's so it doesn't matter anyway... ::sad face::
This was me. Ouch. Super ouch.
Let me go ahead and preface this with saying I was tired and HUNGRY when I was thinking these things but I feel like while I may have been cranky I was completely valid in the thoughts I had. While at the trail, every bike, stroller, and runner had come out of hibernation to enjoy the glorious weather. Now - people fail to realize that there are RULES on the trail. They don't think for one second that a trail is like a road and perhaps some of the same common sense rules apply. I have listed some of them below:
- Slow traffic keep right. All the way right.
- There may be one trail but imagine there is a line cutting it down the middle. This means there is traffic coming and going. Don't run all the way left. You will run into someone.
- If you are on a bike and you wish to pass someone, you must announce it. "passing on the left" or "passing on the right."
- If you need to stop for any reason, move over to the shoulder. You don't stop your car directly in the middle of the road because you will get rearended, right? So don't do it on the trail and expect any different.
- Do not stop to socialize/playwithdogs/letyourdogplaywithsomeoneelse in the middle of the trail and therefor block the ENTIRE THING.
Tomorrow is a rest day but I missed yoga today so Im going to go to a late class tomorrow evening. Probably get in a bunch of squats and ab work also. Gotta keep up that cross training. Cheers for now, folks!
Did you run this weekend? How was it? What was your biggest obstacle?
follow me on Twitter: https://twitter.com/TheShaunaMarie follow me on Instagram: TheShaunaMarie
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